
Monday, November 29, 2010

Finishing the month off, with more thankfulness

Thanksgiving has come and gone. We enjoyed our day with many loved ones. Lots of family, lots of love, lots of hugs and smiles and laughs, with just enough drinks!

I am reminded that I do not need one day of observance for all the things I am thankful for. Every day I am thankful. I have a lot to be thankful for.

So lets finish the month off with all the things, moments and people that I am thankful for:

18) For all the things I do not have. Without those things, I wouldn’t appreciate the things I already do have.

19) For family. Even though I have already listed a few family members, this is for the rest of the family (parents, sisters, brothers, cousins and aunts and uncles, step family, church family and all) in our lives. For the ones we see daily to the ones we rarely see. We love you all.

20) For long Holiday weekends! They are the best, with giggles and smiles, cries of joy and even the cries for mercy as the girls are busy wrestling with one another.

21) For Black Friday Sales! And no not because of the actual sales, but I am thankful I was able to get out of the house at 2am and spend some time with my girls, Kerri and Felicia. In my pajamas tucked into my boots and smeared make up and all. And they didn’t seem that embarrassed to be seen with me.

22) For restored relationships. And even those we are in the process of restoring, and those relationships that we know deep in our hearts need restoring. Admitting it is a big step forwards.

23) For this strong desire to adopt a child with Down syndrome. That God has put this need in both Santiago and me and even the girls.
24) For those that can look at my son and see MY SON, my beautiful son, before his Down syndrome.

25) For those that accept my son, extra chromosome and all. With all his delays and struggles.
26) For every new day and a chance to start all over, as well as another day to make things right, to finish unfinished business. A whole new day to live and a whole new day to spend with your loved ones. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but every new day is a blessing.

27) For all those other people that do not fall into any category that I have already expressed my thankfulness to. All those other people that been a positive influence in my life that weren’t necessarily friends or family. Even those that have attacked me, disrespected and humiliated me. They remind me of who I am and what and who I do not want to be. I guess I am just thankful for humanity in general.

28) For the ability to feel. Whether it be good or bad, just the ability to feel. That I have a heart and conscious that allows me to (sometimes) think things through and stay up at night because of the feelings of guilt for hurting someone else’s feelings. It is never my intentions to hurt anyone, but if I have, rest assured that the thought if me hurting you has kept me up at night. Better to feel pain than to feel nothing at all. Though I am very thankful that most of the time I feel love rather than pain.

29) For the little things in life. Staying up late on the weekends, sleeping in 30 minutes than usual on weekends. Holding hands. Stories told by a 6 & 9yr old. Ponytails by big sister. Spit up on my new clean sweater. Trips to Target. Trips to church. Dancing in the living room. Family nights, family hugs, family laughter, family love. Dirty Trucks, messy home. Quiet days, noisy days.

30) Most importantly God. For Jesus that died on the cross for our sins. For allowing me to live my life as I have, for forgiving me. For loving me and never forsaking me. For hearing my prayers. For answering my prayers, even when they seem unanswered. He has always known what He is doing. For the ongoing work He is doing in me. I open my heart to you God. My first love.

I am extremely thankful.. and extremely blessed.

Girls playing with their couisn on Thanksgiving Day.

Helping Daddy put up lights.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Self feeding 101

The Little Hunk has decided that it is time...

and in other news -
Christmas cards are being printed! woohoo!
WE love the holidays!

Snowflake Wishes Cranberry Holiday
Make a statement with custom holiday cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2011 DSAH Calendars and other news!

2011 Down Syndrome Association of Houston Calendars ARE HERE!!!

$10 each (get 1, get 2!)

I will ship them to you for ONE DOLLA!!And yes my sweet little Hunk is in there. Totally ROCKING the month of April. Yeah, I know we would all have loved to have seen him appear a few more times throughout the calendar. We all need our Ethan fix.

(if this link doesnt work, use the paypal button on the right hand side of the screen)

And the other news:
I can officially say that I am now a 2011 DSAH Board member! Woohoo!
I am not sure what my position (Fundraiser) exactly calls for. I was asked if I was interested, and I said yes and here we are. But I wont let you down DSAH. I promise.

2011, you are going to be a great  year!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I confess, I haven’t been up to blogging the past few weeks, ever since 31 for 21 and then the Buddy Walk, and a very busy October, I just want to go home and stare at the tv. Which of course it is not happening since Ethan runs the household and he has many other ideas that haven’t crossed my mind. Such as crawling into the kitchen and messing with the water cooler. Sneaking into his sisters rooms. Standing up next to the stove and reaching for the knobs! Eating the girls’ homework… and the list just goes on and on. But you get the idea, Ethan runs the show and I cannot just plop myself on the couch.

And November is the month of being thankful, where we can sit and reflect on those things, people, moments that are so very dear and important in our lives.  But these days, all I can reflect on is how much I need some sleep!
But I am taking the time, today, to sit here and reflect on those things in life… seventeen things, for the 17 days we are into November….what I am thankful for (in no particular order):

1)      For my life. For my very difficult, heart breaking, life that has turned into a beautiful and rewarding life.
2)      For my Gabby. She was conceived at a time of uncertainty. When I was lost and unsure, frighten and terrified of what my life would ever and could ever be. Born, when I myself didn’t even know how to love myself, yet someone’s life was given to me and I had to learn how to love.  
3)      For old friends. For those you thought you would never see again after many years and you figured they never gave a damn about you … yet, the day I said “I need your help…” in a heartbeat they were there.
4)      For new friends. For those that will drop whatever they have going on just to make you smile. For new friends that understand the heartache I once faced, and the friends that know the joy that now radiates from my heart. For the friends that walk along my side, holding hands with the same uncertainties, yet we know we will be ok, because we have each other. And those new friends that do not have a child like Ethan, but are willing to bend over backwards just to try to understand and NOT THINK I am overreacting.  And for those online friends I have yet to meet in person, yet have been so quick to help out, such as Kristie in Connecticut, and Jackie in Kansas City, MO.
5)      For my cousin Vere,… who was one of the few people who knew when I was pregnant with Ethan that he might possibly have Down syndrome. How she cried with me, over email. How she stayed strong with me and gave me words of comfort. How when Ethan was born and Ds was confirmed, she remained strong, and she continued with her comfort. She suggested we take Ethan to church, to be introduced and prayed for. But I was too scared.
6)      For Andrea. The little obnoxious, bouncing off the walls, will-you-sit-still-for-a-second, non pony-tail wearing princess. Also conceived at a time of confusion. Also born to an incomplete woman.
7)      For Santiago. My husband. For loving the incomplete, confused, lost woman I was then. For falling in love with me at first sight. For having a man to grow with, a man to cry with. A man to love our children. He has been a hard man to love, but today, I love him wholeheartedly.
8)      For never considering abortions. Yes, abortion crossed my mind with all three pregnancies, but I never really considered it.  I was young with Gabby, did I really love this man with Andrea, and can I really be having a third child… But God blessed me with the ability to nurture and grow a life in my womb.
9)      For my marriage. There were many dark moments. Hurtful words, hurtful actions, hurtful days and hearts. I could have ran, Santiago could have ran. Neither one of us did. Yet, today, we remain together and stronger than ever. A strong loving union.
10)   For my Ethan – for the son, I never imagined. He was too amazing to have ever been imagined or dreamt about. Surreal. Almost.
11)   For Down syndrome. Just. Like. That.
12)   For all those other moms before me. All those moms that have advocated and stood grounded on their beliefs, even when laughed at. You woman are heroes.  Raising my child is a little easier because of You. Thank you.
13)   For sloppy open mouth kisses from Ethan. I cant ever get enough.
14)   For my Mother in Law. Who takes care of a very high energy child while we are away at work. For the way she loves my children.. (ok and for keeping my house clean…shhhhsh)
15)   For Sebi… After meeting Sebi at a birthday party, Santiago became fully in love with him and that is when we had “the talk”… “Can we please have a third child…” and we went home and tried. But it was a little too late and had to wait till December 2008, where “Operation 3rd Baby” was a success.
16)   For forgiving hearts. You cant really grow unless you forgive. Make peace with the pain, make peace with the wrongness in our lives, and forgive.
17)    For being given the chance to be a mother, as well as a mother to a child with special needs. God is great, He is merciful and loving amongst many things. I am honored that He so lovingly placed this child in my womb. Don’t you ever feel sorry for me. Don’t you ever feel sorry for a mother with a child with special needs, for most likely, she will not need your pity. I sure as hell don’t need anyone’s pity. To love a child like mine is a love like no other. It is strong and aggressive in the most passionate way.

I am thankful…. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Buddy Walk and other random pics

Ok, so shoot me, but I have been real busy (and lazy) and am just now getting around to posting pics. Nov 6, we had our 10th annual BW here in Houston.

AS WE ALL KNOW, I love DSAH and all that other stuff ,just read my past posts!!!.. (Ok, so I am being lazy and trying to get to the point!)

so here are some pics: (thank you all for walking with us and/or making donations!)
My little Jackrabbit! 

Ethan and Lily!

Hopping for Acceptance for All

 some of my favoristest people.. the Ramirez's!
Three Saldana's


Ethan and Grace (and the beautiful momma)

Goodness she she gorgeous!

We also took the kiddos to the Texas Renaissance Festival last weekend...

 Dont let her fool you.. she was scared.. and she begged to get of!

 Gabby... well she wouldnt even dare do anything crazy like her sister!

(ok, so I will fix he pic later, but she climbed the wall... and she cried half way there, yet she climbed and zip lined off the wall at Camp for all... go figure!)

And Ethan has discovered how much he loves his wagon!