
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

(not so) wordless wednesday

Well I don't usually do these "wordless Wednesdays" posts… mainly because I usually have something to ramble about, but I haven't posted any recent pictures of Ethan in the past couple of weeks. Wouldn't want you guys to go through Ethan-Withdrawals. I also have been fighting this cold, congestion, sinus pressure.. MUCUS for four weeks! Yes, FOUR WEEKS! I am so over it and my head is about to explode. And not to mention that of course Ethan seems to have some sort of cold, or sinus stuff going on as well. A house full of snot between us two! 
Aside from that everlasting mucus, last Friday we were able to go strawberry picking with our local Ds community group.

Kids had a blast!

(ok, at this point, I realized this post is not so wordless anymore. Ha!)

He dropped a strawberry on the ground... but wouldn't you know it, they taste a whole lot better with DIRT!

...he even offered daddy a taste of his dirt-covered strawberry. 

(p.s. I promised the girls where there somewhere.. having fun!)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, a little dirt never hurt anyone!! Such a cute little guy! Ethan looks like he is a really good size! When Russell was born they told me he would be small that all kids with Ds were tiny...I'm kind of thinking thats not true!


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