
Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday’s Ramblings – Sisters

Sibling wise, there is my older brother Arturo (who was killed almost 5 years ago), he would have been 31 this August. Then there is ME, I’ll be THIRTY this October… (eh, 30 isn't so scary after all. It has come with lots of growth and wisdom.) Then there is my little big sister (as I Iike to call her) Amanda, she’ll be 19 this year. Followed by little brother, Oswaldo, he’ll be 18 this year and then the BABY of the family, my baby sister Beija, she just turned 16 this year. Now, I hope I got their ages right!  I know bad sister! But I have enough kid’s birthdays to keep up with.
I grew up with a brother and longed for sister for as long as I could remember. Thankfully I was able to share my childhood with my two cousins Melissa and Jessica. But I wanted my own personal sister to play with and boss around. Finally my mom granted me that wish but a little too late. I was about 11is  when Amanda was born. The last thing I wanted then was a baby -why couldnt she give birth to another 11 year old girl! Then came the other two rugrats. I loved (love) them dearly and I treated them like my children! And I guess that is the problem, I never really bonded with them in a sisterly way. I still to this very day scold at them.

And I am thrilled that my girls have been able to share almost seven years together, through the good and the bad.. the dressing up to the cat fights and oh yes, there has been some nasty cat fights! I think they are so lucky to have one another.  One day they will see it, if they don’t see it now.

oh yeah, you cant be on a blog called "two girls and Ethan"...without Ethan... 
and this picture sums it all up of what life really is:
  To sisters... bestest of friends.

1 comment:

  1. LOVED THIS!! My sister and I are four years apart and very best friends...So when I had my first daughter I wanted desperatly for her to have a sister. Its so fun watching them grow and become friends :)
    Loved that picture of your girls on the grass laughing...Beautiful!


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