
Saturday, January 14, 2012

More picture taking practice - Urban Style

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The title sums it up...  urban style photography.

Ethan had a  vision test on Friday morning and I had to get back to work that afternoon so after I dropped him off at Gma's I drove around (she lives in  2nd ward, you Houstonians might know where that is, - Harrisburg area, which apparently is pretty popular amongst photographers...I say that because I seen 2 photographers in that area in two days!   I seen this one old warehouse building that was just amazing, I U-turned and I scoped the area out, THEN i seen another photographer setting up.... DANG IT!!!! Oh well, is a perfect location for pics. So whoever you are Mrs Photographer, I am not "stealing" your ideas or anything like that.  I had agreed to do my friend's family portraits next weekend and I have been looking for a spot and she also thinks this would be a neat place. I took the kids Saturday morning for some practice shots.

We got there when the sun was a bit harsh and there was no shade and I didnt have any reflectors, but it was fun and I was overall pleased.

OH Look !! It's Me!!!

It was honestly so much fun. This really is something I can get caught up in doing and loss track of time. Although having Ethan with us really slowed us down. I had him strapped down in his buggy but he whined the whole time and when I did take him out he kept falling on the rocks and I was paranoid about what there could be in between the rocks. And Andrea was a little spooked, she said the area was creepy and she wasn't cooperating much, which I do not understand, the kid sits down to watch The Walking Dead with me, I guess the WD is not as bad as reality and actual spookiness.

Cant wait for next weekend when I shoot my friend's family in better light -so anxious!


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I love the old train track shots, what a perfect location!! You actually look like you could be your girls sister, you looks so damn young!!!
    Beautiful pictures, you are pretty darn handy with that camera!!


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