
Sunday, January 1, 2012

W E L C O M E 2012 (picture heavy)

WELCOME 2012! W E L C O M E!!!!

We brought in the New Year with friends we love and who are more like family than anything else, drinks, food, games, new traditions and love and hope.

Our wonderful hosts:

In all honesty, 2011 wasnt all that bad. There were many blessings, my realizations and lots of personal growth. The end of 2011 was full of much  hurdles and as I drowned in my sorrows and pain, all I wanted was to breathe.

But here I am! 2012, and alive and well for the most part.

2011- Started off with a cruising baby and ended in a toddler that NEVER STOPS running.
Two girls who are amazing and I am more than appreciative for having them, more than I could ever describe and more than I could ever tell them in person.

I had resolutions for 2011, but many of those hopes, wishes and goals ended up being derailed. A main one was to establish a connection with God, but once Ethan starting walking and his stranger/separation anxiety made it real difficult to sit through Sunday service. Many times I left church feeling as if I wasn't getting anything out of attending since a lot of my attention was on Ethan. And he has Down syndrome, he isn't your typical 2 year old you can "talk" to and bribe to hush or stay somewhere. I felt real guilty and it was a real tough time for me. Ethan was the reason I started to attend church in the first place, I am so grateful for his life, so grateful to have been given the title of Mother. My heart aches to return to church and I am hopeful that it will be this year! No- I am not hopeful, I know I will return this year. 

January- December 2011
No doubt it was a good year!

looking back, it wasnt so bad. Just blessed with lots of hurdles to make us stronger at the end.

Happy New Years guys!



  1. Your son is a doll with a smile that melts our hearts! Wow! My oldest daughter and I went through your last few posts and have agreed that we should arrange the marriage of our children... joking but my Vada and your Ethan would make one cute couple.. in about twenty years! ;P

  2. This is my all time favorite post of yours! You have such a beautiful family Erika :)
    I want to thank you for the comment on my blog today and for helping me along my journey this past year.
    May God bless you and your family in 2012!!

  3. Tara… there is a waiting list to date Ethan, lol!! But as cute as Vada is, we’ll bump her up on the list.

    Jenny, sometimes it doesn’t matter how many times someone reassures you that it will be ok, sometimes we need to make the realizations ourselves!


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