
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spread the Word to End the Word 2011

Ever since the birth of my son, Ethan, I have developed many extreme passions.  One of those is my passion for respect for everyone, including those with Down syndrome and all other “disabilities”.
I urge you, if you have not done so yet, to take the pledge to remove the R word from your vocabulary.
You can do so by visiting    

Take the pledge and spread the word to end the word.

Be a fan of Respect, Friendship, Unity, Acceptance, and Inclusion.
I know I am. 

Why is the R word hurtful? When people use the term “retard(ed)” to refer to someone as being stupid or dumb, it is as if saying people with actual intellectual disabilities are stupid or dumb. The term Mental Retardation was never meant to be used as in insult.  My son is NOT stupid or dumb. 

Next time you use that derogatory term, think about those you are hurting. 
You are hurting me, my husband, my daughters and the light of my life, Ethan. A human being that has every right to be respected.

Previous posts of mine in regards to the Rword:

Other websites of interest:

Don't be a fan of hate. 

(added a picture of myself "myspace" style)


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