Another reason of why I have been M.I.A. from the blogging world is as some of you might remember (or not) I am also the Fundraising Director for our Down syndrome association. Although I haven’t brought much to the table or big bucks to our association I have been working on small projects. I am also part of our Buddy Walk committee…. And there are lots of things I should be working on, but I don’t know where the time goes! I am sure it goes
I am very passionate about our Down Syndrome Association (of Houston). They were our first place of comfort when Ethan was first born. I remember the first handful of times we walked in there; always I was overtaken with emotion and fought back the tears. It felt like home. It has been home. The friendships we have formed there are ever lasting.
DSAH provides much needed support, information, resources to individuals with Ds and their families. Gymboree for the tiny ones, summer camps for the school aged children, Education for Life for the young adults, and even sibling support through their Sibling Club. But it all takes money! DSAH provides so much for the Ds community that it can be a little discouraging to see the lack of financial support.
And it can be a little discouraging for me as well. This is my first year in this position and I am sure they are not expecting me to bring in millions of dollars right away but it would be nice if I could at least bring in a few hundred dollars.
But you can help!
DSAH and
Down Syndrome Footprint have teamed up! DS Footprint will be donating 15% of sales back to DSAH, now thru July 15. All you have to do is SHOP at Down Syndrome Footprint and enter “DSAH” at the checkout in the voucher code section. SIMPLE! What a great way to support both DSAH and Ds Footprint.
And who doesn’t love Down Syndrome Footprint! Currently their tank tops and flip flops are each on sale, $10 each! Perfect for the summer time!
If you live in the Houston area, Friday July 15, from 6pm-8pm, DSAH will be hosting a shopping night at
Ten Thousand Villages, in the Rice Village. It’s Christmas in July! Get a head start on your shopping, or simply come out for a night of shopping and some good wine drinking! Ten Thousand Villages will be donating 15% of sales to DSAH.
We took our kids with us last year, and they just loved the store. This cute little store offers a wide variety of handmade jewelry, toys, décor, music instruments from all over the world. There are also nice little bistros just a walk away from the store, where you and your friends can end the night with good food and more drinks! What are you doing Friday July 15?!! I hope to see you there!
(You don’t have to be part of DSAH or know anyone with Down syndrome to take part, if you enjoy shopping, especially for unique items, this is the place to be, Friday July 15!.. and bring your friends!)
You can also link your Krogers Plus Card with DSAH. Through the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program, Kroger’s will donate $1 million annually. Each organization will earn a percentage of the $1 million equal to the percentage of total earned contributions attributable to that organization.
All it takes is ONE scan of the bar code below to link your Kroger Plus Card to DSAH. After that, you just scan your Plus Card every time you shop, like you would normally do. Feel free to print this out and take it to your local Kroger’s store. Accumulation starts July 1st. Doesn’t cost you anything!
Ultimately this is about supporting DSAH… but I need some reassurance and validation as I continue in this journey as a DSAH board member… I put in some good amount of passion and time, and it feels real good to be part of something so amazing. I also hope you can support me in my efforts. =)
And as a bonus, here are some pictures of some the happenings of the last few weeks.
Gabby turned 10, June 1st.
But Ethan always thinks its always about him....
WHAT! No gifts for me!FINE, I'll just go sit down... or beat on my sister...
some playing at the park...
and eating blackberries...
and listening to some live music at the park...
went to a wildlife park (with our Ds group...)
where both Andrea and Ethan got to ride the ponies...
and then he tried to ride the deer...
then he tried to ride the John Deer...
and some ball playing...
and of course there have been many other happenings! So I guess there is where the times has gone!